Tuesday, May 11, 2010

week 7

the beginning of week 7...interesting...i seriously didnt think i would make it here but here i am....so graduation is fast approaching like no other and its seriously bitter sweet...it since to know that i dont have to stay up late to study or cram for another midterm but sad that im leaving this amazing place that i have learned to call my second home. i mean im gonna stay in touch with a lot of these people but i know its not going to be the same. im trying really hard to cherish every moment i have left casue i do not want any regrets when i leave.....

on the bright side, i might be singing the national anthem at graduation...lets hope

Saturday, May 1, 2010

week 5: dayum

i am currently at riverside ballin (amazing btw) using jeds comp and well, it has officially come down to week 5. dam. college has seriously gone by so fast and although i do have some regrets, i fricken loved it to death.

college is nothing like hiugh school. i remember being the loner in the corner of the quad with your girls, who i dont believe you even fit in with but you stuck by them so you would have a group, and having lunch next to that infamous wall. choir was the only stable thing for you in high school. well even beginning with elementary school, choir has been there for you every year. hearing mr helm call your name on the last day of school announcing that you have made chamber singers...omg best day of high school. on top of that you had jess for the year. seriously, senior year was the best..the only good year in high school...

college was a big wake up call. having to be all on your own in a blink of an eye. dam. i have learned through my many mistakes and have taken those lessons to try to help others. my big problem at this point would have to be the infamous job search. idk whats going on. i mean im currently trying to talk to a couple people but i feel like i am going into a dead end with all of them. i am really scared for whats gonna happen in 6 weeks...who knows where ill be.

meg going to college....wow. im really excited for her because i know that she is going to have an amazing time. i hope that she will just be careful and choose her friends wisely. i want her to experiment but i dont want her to go insane.

well whats left for the next 6 weeks....katipunan (induction, transition, mr/mrs, fun retreat, and many more gah), senior photoshoot w/meg, senior stuff, midterms, ets (i might be missing a lot).

so freaking excited / scared / sad to graduate...but life moves on and we just have to accomodate .